How To Hit A Driver Better in Golf (Straighter and Further)

The driver is a vital club to a golfer’s success!

Arguably the most important club!

For some it might be holding you back from reaching your full potential.

There are two keys to a driver:

  • Keep it in play (between the trees and out of bounds)
  • Hit it far

Golf is a game of precision and skill, and one of the most crucial shots in a golfer’s arsenal is the driver.

A powerful and accurate driver shot can set the tone for a successful hole over the course of 4 hours, consistently putting the golfer in the right position to hit a quality approach shot. 

14 of the 18 holes a golfer play can require a quality tee shot with the driver.

While a wayward shot can lead to frustration and disappointment and starts the journey down the path of self doubt..

In this post, we will share our top 11 tips to hit your driver better.

Better equals hitting the driver straighter and further.

This will allow you to improve your game and drive for success on the course. A quality driver shot will change your golf trajectory if the driver can become a strength!

Below, I walk through the different strategies we use to help golfers finally master the driver and build confidence in a club that can become a major asset.

Could you imagine heading to the course and knowing that your driver was going to fly 250-300 yards and not have to worry about slicing it out of bounds or snap hooking into water? 

Stay with us as we help guide you through key topics to help you hit your driver better!

Some of these topics include:

  • Why is a driver difficult to hit?
  • Why am I struggling with my driver?
  • Simple steps to hit a driver better
  • How to improve your driver swing speed
  • Use technology to analyze your driver swing
  • Practice 

Why Is A Driver Difficult To Hit?

Hitting a driver in golf can be challenging!  We have all been in a place where we lack confidence with the driver. There are several reasons why it can be particularly difficult for some players. The top three reasons are:

  • Club Length and Low Loft: The driver has the longest shaft of any club in a golfer’s bag and is designed with very low loft (usually between 8 to 12 degrees). This combination makes it more challenging to control compared to other clubs with shorter shafts and higher lofts. The longer shaft requires precise timing and control to make solid contact with the ball. It can also make it difficult to hit the sweet spot as many driver shafts are now 45-46 inches in length.
  • Lack of Swing Speed: If a golfer doesn’t have enough swing speed, they will often overswing and cause greater mishits or will struggle to hit the golf ball fall enough to have quality approach shots into par 4s and 5s. A lack of speed is the number one issue we see with the driver.
  • Tee Shots and Course Setup: On most golf holes, the driver is used for tee shots, which adds pressure to hit a good shot as it sets up the rest of the hole. Course architects work hard to make your feel uncomfortable with hazards, trees, site lines, etc. Additionally, many golf courses have narrow fairways, bunkers, water hazards, and other obstacles strategically placed to penalize errant drives. This adds mental pressure to the physical challenge of hitting a good drive.

Recommendation: Need more distance in your game, check out this post!

To improve your ability to hit a driver effectively, consider investing time in practice and lessons to improve your swing mechanics, consistency, and confidence. Additionally, experimenting with different driver models and shaft flexes can help tailor the club to your swing and improve performance.

Related Posts: Get Better at golf by improving your putting

Why Am I Struggling with My Driver?

If you find yourself consistently struggling with your driver, there may be several factors at play. Here are some common reasons why golfers struggle with their driver:

  • Poor Technique: A flawed swing technique can lead to inconsistent and inaccurate drives. Seek guidance from a golf professional to identify and address any technical issues in your swing.
  • Lack of Confidence: Confidence plays a crucial role in hitting a driver straighter. If you lack belief in your ability to hit accurate drives, it can negatively impact your performance. Focus on positive self-talk and visualize successful shots to build confidence in your driver game.
  • Equipment Mismatch: Using the wrong driver for your game can hamper your ability to hit it straight. Refer to the previous section on choosing the right driver and consider getting custom fitted to ensure your equipment is suited to your swing.
  • Lack of Swing Speed: As discussed above, swing speed and distance is vital to a golfer’s success with the driver.
  • Poor Path and Club Face Relationship: When the gap between the club path and the club face grows too large, the shot that results is a slice or a hook (both bad results). Your club path and club face should be within 1-5 degrees to play a shot pattern that is consistent.

By addressing these potential issues and implementing the 11 tips detailed in this post, you can overcome your driver struggles and start hitting the ball straighter on a consistent basis.

Not sure where to start your game improvement process? Pick one of these 5 areas above!

10 Simple Steps To Hit A Driver Better

#1 The Right Driver

First and foremost, make sure you have the right equipment. Having the right driver that suits your swing and skill level is crucial in hitting your driver well. Take the time to get fitted for a driver that matches your specifications.

My Experience: The shaft in a golf driver might be the most important. Many golfers understand they need to consider the flex of the shaft, but also need to consider the length and how heavy the shaft is. I use a stiff, 70g shaft. If I had the wrong shaft in the club, I would struggle even at my ability level. Also, if you can buy a club that allows you some adjustable options such as weights that are movable, you have more room to make adjustments as your swing changes and improves.

Resource: How To Hit Your Irons Better (Pure and Consistent)

#2 Proper Setup

Next, work on your posture and setup. A good posture and setup can make a world of difference in your swing. Make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart, knees slightly flexed, and your weight evenly distributed.

My Experience: Be athletic and comfortable. Too many goflers are so worried about the perfect setup that they become robotic. Use your smartphone to capture your setup and swing on camera and make sure you look athletic and relaxed. Tightness and rigidity equal distaster!

#3 Tee Height

Tee the ball at the right height. For a driver, the center of the ball should be aligned with the top edge of the clubhead when it’s resting on the ground. Experiment to find the right height for your swing.

My Experience: I use different tee heights throughout a round depending on the hole and the shot I am intending to hit.

#4 Tempo

Another important tip is to maintain a smooth tempo throughout your swing. Many golfers make the mistake of swinging too slow and being too perfect, which can lead to inconsistent shots. Find a tempo that works for you and stick with it. We recommend a 3:1 ratio as recommended by tour tempo (see link below). You might be surprised that as your increase tempo, you can increase distance! If you haven’t heard of this before, you need to explore tour tempo and the review below.

My Experience: I would highly recommend checking out Here is a complete review on tourtempo.

#5 Proper Grip

Learn to grip the club properly. A correct grip can help you generate more power and control in your swing. Experiment with different grip styles until you find one that feels comfortable and allows for maximum control. There isn’t a perfect or recommended grip as there are pros that you weak, neutral and strong grips. Find what allows you to move the club face and control the club face.

My Experience: I play with a strong grip, but hit a fade. I feel this setup allows me to hit it far, but still go at it with the fade setup.

#6 Proper Alignment

Practice proper alignment. Aligning yourself correctly with the target can greatly improve your accuracy off the tee. Take the time to align your body parallel to the target line and square the clubface at address. Once again, pull out that smartphone and record your swing from a down the line view.

Helpful Resource: 11 Tips To Improve Your Chipping

#7 Swing Path

Work on developing a consistent swing Path. A proper swing path allows for a more consistent strike and better ball flight and helps reduce the amount of over curve. Many golfers go too far extreme and sing too far left (slice) or too far right (hook).

My Experience: Once I bought a SkyTrak and could measure my swing and spin rates, I was able to see the impact of the swing path on the curve of my shots. I have transitioned from playing an overdraw to a comfortable slight fade. What a game changer this was!

#8 Stay Within Yourself

While we believe in speed training and taking your swing speed to new levels. When you get out on the course, you will want to stay within yourself. For example, if you can swing a club 115 miles per hour on the practice range, you might want to cruise on the golf course at 108-110. This helps you hit the sweet spot and keep the ball in play. We would recommend continue to speed training and push your limits even higher, but then always “cruising” at about 5 miles per hour under your max.

My Experience: On my SkyTrak I can hit drivers at 115 mph, but on the course I am in the 106-111 range depending on the hole. I actually have three different driver swings: a stock shot (normal swing speed), a bunt (slower swing speed, used for placement) and the max swing (used on wide open par 4s or 5s to maximize distance).

#9 Patience

Don’t forget to practice regularly and be patient with yourself. Hitting your driver better takes time and effort. Practice these tips consistently, and you’ll see improvement in no time. Golf is a journey and game improvement takes time.

My Recommendation: Check out our 5 step process for game improvement and come up with a plan!

#10 Practice Regularly

Consistent practice is essential for improvement. Spend time at the driving range working on your driver. Consider lessons from a golf professional to fine-tune your technique. And lastly, make sure you work on some overspeed training. The extra distance of 20-30 yards will change your game forever!

My Experience: The game changer in my golf journey was when I built a golf simulator setup at my home. This allowed me to hit plenty of shots and gave me a great space to train for additional speed. Many golfers are limited to practice time due to access, time or the winter months.

Resource: How to hit your wedges better!

#11 Increase Driver Swing Speed

Train for speed! Our recommendation is to use a system like SuperSpeed Golf or the Stack System.  We have experienced success with both and believe they are game changers!  More speed equals shorter approach shots.  Short approach shots equals closer proximity to pin on average.  Closer proximity to pin on average equals more putts made on average.  The formula is simple, hit it further by increasing your swing speed!

So, get out there, have fun, and start hitting your driver better! With these 11 tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a more confident and skilled golfer.

BONUS TIP: Develop 3 Different Driver Swings

We recommend these three driver swings:

  • The Stock Driver: This shot is going to be your cruising speed. For example, if your max swing speed is 115, we want our stock driver to live between 106 and 111. You are going to hit this driver most often.
  • The Bunt Driver: This shot is going to be around 100 mph for the example above. This shot is going to be used on narrow holes where hitting the ball straight is the most important factor. I hit this shot 1-3 times per round depending on the golf course.
  • The Max Driver: This is where I am pushing the limits of my 115 mile per hour swing speed. I am going to use this shot on wide open par 5s when I want to reach in two or really long par 4s where there isn’t a lot of trouble. I might hit this shot 1-2 times per round depending on the course.
I have some amazing data from my Arccos Smart Sensors that I have used over the past season.

How to Improve Your Golf Swing Speed

One of the key factors in hitting a driver straighter is having sufficient swing speed. Training for new speed doesn’t have to be difficult and you don’t have to spends hours in the gym squatting or doing other crazy lifts. Instead, invest in a prodcut like SuperSpeed or The Stack System.

The biggest key is to commit to the training and stick with it. You can see 3-5 mph gains as early as the first training sessions, which can become permanent after several months of training.

My experience included the SuperSpeed system. My results included going from 98-101 on average to 106-111 on average. Plus I have the “max” swing where I can get it going up to 115 miles per hour.

Of course being in better shape and being stronger won’t hurt you, but the overspeed training is the quickest return on your time invested and can even improve your mechanices.

One of the biggest misunderstandings is that as you gain speed, you will lose accuracy. This isn’t necessarily a true statement if you do the training the right way and find your “cruising” speed with the driver. I hit the ball further than ever right now and have never been more accurate!

Helpful Resources:

Using Technology to Analyze and Improve Your Driver Swing

In today’s digital age, technology has become an invaluable tool for golfers looking to improve their game. There are various devices and software available that can help analyze and enhance your driver swing.

Launch monitors are one such technology that can provide valuable insights into your swing. These devices track metrics such as clubhead speed, launch angle, and ball spin, enabling you to identify areas for improvement. By understanding your swing data, you can make adjustments to your technique and work towards hitting a driver straighter.

Another technology that can assist in improving your driver swing is video analysis.

Recording your swing from multiple angles allows you to study your technique in detail and identify any flaws or inconsistencies. By comparing your swing to that of professional golfers or utilizing swing analysis software, you can make targeted adjustments to your technique and work towards hitting a driver straighter.

Shot dispersion from the Arccos App

Practicing Drills and Exercises to Hit a Driver Straighter

Practice makes perfect, and incorporating specific drills and exercises into your training routine can greatly enhance your ability to hit a driver straighter. Here are some drills and exercises that can help:

  • Alignment Drill: Place alignment sticks or clubs on the ground to ensure that your feet, hips, and shoulders are aligned parallel to the target line. This will promote a straighter swing path and help you hit the ball straighter.
  • Speed Training: In every practice session, you can hit 10-15 balls as far as possible. This can help you gain distance and learn what you have in the “tank” for those wide open par 5 holes!
  • 3 Shot Drill: Work on your stock, bunt and max driver. See if you can hit 3 quality shots in row of the 3 different types of shots.
  • The Course Game: At the driving range, identify the far right and left side of the hole using markers that already exist on the driving range. See how many times you can hit the ball in the “fairway” that you have made up. If there is an extra difficult hole that you struggle with, build some confidence on the range playing this hole in your mind.

Choosing the Right Driver for Your Game

Selecting the right driver can have a significant impact on hitting a driver straighter. When choosing a driver, consider the following factors:

  • Clubhead Size: Drivers come in various sizes, with larger clubheads offering more forgiveness on off-center hits. If you tend to mis-hit the ball frequently, a larger clubhead may be beneficial in helping you hit a driver straighter. Most of the major club companies offer different versions of each model that they sell.
  • Shaft Flex and Weight: Arguably the most important part of any driver. The flex of the shaft affects the trajectory and accuracy of your shots. The weight will impact the flex as well and can help keep your swing in a proper “cruising” zone to help you hit the ball straighter. Generally, slower swing speeds benefit from a more flexible shaft and a ligher shaft, while faster swing speeds may require a stiffer shaft and/or a heavier shaft. Getting custom fitted for a driver can help determine the appropriate shaft flex for your game.
  • Adjustability: Many modern drivers offer adjustable features such as loft, lie angle, and weight distribution. Being able to fine-tune these settings can help optimize your driver for maximum distance and accuracy.

By considering these factors and getting fitted for the right driver, you can increase your chances of hitting a driver straighter and achieving greater success on the golf course.

How to Hit a Driver Consistently

Consistency is key in golf, and hitting a driver consistently requires a combination of technique, practice, and mental focus. Here are some tips to help you hit a driver consistently:

  • Establish a Pre-shot Routine: Developing a consistent pre-shot routine can help calm your nerves and prepare you for a successful drive. This routine should include visualizing your shot, aligning your body, and rehearsing your swing.
  • Focus on Tempo: Maintaining a smooth and controlled tempo throughout your swing promotes consistency. Avoid rushing or overpowering the shot and instead focus on a balanced and rhythmic swing. Don’t forget to measure your tempo using the tour tempo resources I reviewed above.
  • Develop a Reliable Ball Flight: Having a go-to ball flight, whether it’s a slight fade or draw, can increase your chances of hitting the fairway consistently. Work with a golf professional to develop a reliable ball flight and learn to shape your shots when necessary. Whether you hit a draw or fade doesn’t matter, the key is to ensure you have a predictable ball flight pattern.

By incorporating these strategies into your game and dedicating time to consistent practice, you can develop the ability to hit a driver consistently and achieve greater success on the golf course.

More Arccos Data…did you know that a scratch golfer only averages 53% of fairways hit? Be realistic on your journey to your next level!

How Do You Hit a Driver Straight and Far?

Hitting a driver straight and far is the ultimate goal for many golfers. While distance is desirable, it is crucial to prioritize accuracy to avoid trouble on the course. Here are some tips to help you hit a driver straight and far:

  • Optimize Launch Conditions: Achieving the ideal launch conditions can maximize distance and accuracy. Focus on achieving a positive angle of attack, a high launch angle, and low spin rates. This can be achieved through proper swing technique and selecting the right driver and ball combination.
  • Generate Power From the Ground Up: Power in the golf swing starts from the ground up. Focus on using your lower body to initiate the downswing and transfer energy through your hips and torso. This sequencing allows for maximum clubhead speed and distance. The golf swing has some up and down built into it and using the ground forces can help you gain extra speed and consistency.
  • Swing Within Yourself: It can be tempting to swing out of your shoes in an attempt to generate more distance. However, swinging within yourself and maintaining control is key to hitting a driver straight and far. Focus on timing and rhythm rather than brute force. Have that go to “bunt” swing that we discussed above.

By combining these strategies with the techniques and exercises discussed throughout this article, you can improve your ability to hit a driver straighter, gain distance, and ultimately drive for success on the golf course.

Best Online Golf Instructors For The Driver

The top 5 recommended online golf instructors for the driver are George Gankas, Milo Lines, Shawn Clement, Mike Malaska and Monte Scheinblum.

Here are two of our favorite driver videos on youtube related to the driver:

Conclusion: How To Hit Your Driver Better in Golf

Ready to improve your driver game and hit further and straighter shots? Incorporate these expert tips and ideas into your practice routine and see the results for yourself. Remember, consistency and dedication are key to driving for success in golf.

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