How To Get Better at Golf: 5 Step Process and Tips

I love golf!

I am sure you love golf as well!

You want to get better at golf.

I can help!

Tired of not improving your golf game? We hear you!

Over the past 30 years, I have played golf and have been on a journey for improvement.  Most recently, in the past 5 years, I have lowered my handicap from a 7 to the scratch level, following the 5 step process below.  This included a career low round of 65 including 8 birdies, many rounds in the 60s, a hole in one, and performing at my best in competitions.

I have been where you are! 

The struggles, the questioning if you are on the right path and the lack of performance when you really want to play well.

We pride ourselves here at The Golf Mavericks in being independent thinkers that seek solutions that actually help.  We have grown tired of the same advice over and over and the lack of improvement in golf scores that we see across the world.

The great news is that the 5 step process below can work whether you have a 20, 15, 10, or a 5 handicap. 

Make sure you keep reading to better understand our 5 Key Fundamentals (different than what you might think!). When you apply the 5 step process with our 5 key fundamentals you will finally be on the road to improvement!

Following this process finally sets you on the road to improvement vs just simply guessing at what you need.

The 5 Step Process to Get Better at Golf

  • Identify the Problem
  • Identify a Possible Solution
  • Practice the new Approach or Technique
  • Take it to the Course
  • Assess the Outcome

Let’s dive into what each step consists of.

Helpful Resources:

#1 Identify the Problem

We need to figure out your 1-3 biggest problems keeping your from scoring lower on the course.

What are you currently struggling with? 

  • Are you struggling to hit your driver straight enough or far enough? 
  • Are you struggling to hit your irons solid?
  • Are you struggling to control your distance with your irons?
  • Short game a disaster?
  • Do you have the chipping yips?
  • Too many 3 putts?
  • Too nervous when you play?
  • Making poor club decisions on the course?
  • Do you have the wrong clubs in your bag?
  • Lack of practice time?
  • Lack of access to practice areas?

These are just some of the common issues or problems that many golfers face in their journey to get better.  The sad part is that these issues often carry over from one year to the next.

I want you to identify and write down your top 3 issues keeping you from lower scores.  Go ahead and write those down.  

Now figure out which one you want to solve first.

Ready? Let’s go and finally get better at golf!

The Golf Mavericks Experience: Our recommendation is use data, in the absence of data, ask several close friends what area of your game they think you should improve.

#2 Identify a possible Solution

You will want to research and figure out a possible remedy to your current struggles. 

There are different places to turn for help with your golf journey.

  • You could check out our many posts on a variety of topics including clubs (right equipment), online golf coaches and approaches (proper swing technique), or access to a golf simulator in the off season (increase practice time and access)
  • You could turn to youtube to check out some of our recommended instructors including Shawn Clement, Mike Malaska, Milo Lines, George Gankas or Monte Scheinblum.
  • You could pay for a swing analysis to help identify the one area in your swing that might be holding you back.
  • Maybe you pick up a book and read about the mental side of the game and figure out an approach that helps you make better decisions or control your emotions when you want to play your best.
  • You could go take a traditional lesson.

Once you decide on a possible solution, it is time to take action.

If you are struggling to settle in on your possible solution, check out our 5 fundamentals below and pick something in that area.  Too many times we chase certain swing changes, when the reality is that we need to build skill in one of the 5 fundamentals vs making our swing “look better” to the camera.

Some easy default areas always include:

  • Swing Speed (More Distance)
  • Low Point Control (Better Ball Striking)
  • Curve Control (Better Accuracy)
  • Short Game
  • Mental Game

The Golf Mavericks Experience: Our foursome of mavericks has had the most bang for our buck came with speed training and short game practice. If you don’t know where to start, either one would be a quality option.

#3 Practice the new Approach or Technique

If your new approach or solution to your struggles is a swing change or approach, it is time to find a place to practice such as the driving range or a golf simulator. 

We prefer to build skill here at The Golf Mavericks and utilize drills to take our game to the next level.  

We believe there are 5 fundamentals to the golf swing.  These include:

  • Low Point Control
  • Start Line and Shot Pattern
  • Swing Speed
  • Strategy and Mental Game
  • Short Game

The bottom line is that we need to build skill and practice the change. 

We can’t watch a youtube video on a swing approach and then head right to the course and expect to see positive results.  We need to test out and drill the new approach to build confidence and gain familiarity with the results it will produce.

Jack Nicklaus used this approach with his own golf game and journey.

From a Golf Digest Article:

First, he’d try them on the range. Then he’d test them on the course with no pressure, in a pro-am or a practice round. If the changes paid dividends repeatedly, then, and only then, he’d put them into play in competition. Nicklaus didn’t bother trying to force a swing change. If something didn’t work, he’d scrap it and move on rather than spending months struggling to incorporate it. Unlike Tiger Woods, he never went through the painstaking process of rebuilding his swing from scratch.

Golf Digest

The Golf Mavericks Experience: The junior golfer in our grip is working on low point control and swing speed. The swing speed will come more natural in the coming years as he gets older, so the low point control is the main focus. The senior golfer in our group is using the SuperSpeed to at least maintain speed. The mid to high handicap golfer is working on creating a consistent shot pattern by improving your swing path and club face control. I am working on the short game, specifically on the shots between 30-70 yards with the wedge

#4 Take It To The Course

Now that you have worked on the swing change, technique or drill to build confidence and understand potential results, it is time to take it to the golf course.

We would prefer a casual round or practice round to work out the details, instead of a big money game, league round or competition, but sometimes not every golfer has that time and we understand.

One key here is to keep accurate notes and data on the results. 

If your goal was to increase your driving distance, do you have technology to mark off the driving distance such as arccos or a gps watch? 

Did you write down your results if they aren’t automatically recorded?

Go ahead and use your new approach on the golf course, but make sure you have a way to track accurate results, so we can assess the outcome.

The Golf Mavericks Experience: I would highly recommend the Arccos Sensors to get detailed information about your golf game to be able to assess your results.

Arccos Smart Sensors = Highly Recommended

#5 Assess The Outcome

The one area we have to be careful is we must be willing to give the new approach or technique some time.  If we jump from one area to the next, we might never find game improvement and instead get stuck in the loop or always seeking the latest and greatest vs really committing to the change.

If your goal is increased driver distance, maybe you hit one driver further than any driver you have hit this year and see the potential in your speed training that you are going through.  Or maybe you hit one bad driver that ruined your overall average.

The bottom line is to remain committed to your improvement and stick with something for at least 2-3 weeks before abandoning your swing change.

Looking to get good at golf fast? Check out our next section!

How To Get Better At Golf Fast!

The best way to get better at golf fast is through speed training and short game.

Did you know that the further you hit the ball, the lower your handicap might be. Without distance, reaching your full potential might not happen.

Check out this chart below:

Handicap RangeMedian Driver Distance Average
PGA Tour Professional275 Carry
Total Average of 0-25221

There certainly is a connection between driving distance and the handicap of the golfer.

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: Use a system like SuperSpeed Golf or The Stack System to train for additional speed. With both systems, you can see a 3-5 mph increase as early as the first training sessions. These gains can become more permament with 30-60 days of consistent training. Swing speed is the fastest way to improve as an extra 20-30 yards on every tee shots, makes your approach shot shorter, leaving you closer to the pin after your approach shot. My swing speed went from 101 mph on average to 110 mph per average.

As far as short game, we recommend playing short game competitions around the practice green. The more you can compete and put pressure on yourself to hit quality chips and make 3-5 footers, the better you short game will be.

Need some practice games? Check out this post at

How To Get Better at Golf: Key Stats on Scratch Golfers

Here is a great chart to compare your current results to a scratch golfer. The two numbers that stand out the most to me are the average driving distance at 251 and the scrambling rate at 54%.

The scratch golfer can hit it pretty far (251 yards) and can save par 54% of the time he or she misses the green.


Greens in Regulation67%
Fairways Hit53%
Putts Per Hole1.67
Sand Saves59%
Average Driving Distance251

How To Get Better at Golf: Pick the Right Weakness to Work On

Many golfers struggle to really get better in one specific area.

If you don’t know where to start, I would recommend starting with low point control and following our 5 areas above, but I also include below other areas that you could consider.

How To Get Better at Golf: 13 Key Areas To Focus On

Improving your golf game involves working on various aspects of your skills and overall approach to the game. Here are key areas to focus on for golf game improvement:

  • Swing Mechanics:
    • Build skill in low point control, start line and spin, swing speed, and short game.
    • Check out our 5 Key Areas to Focus On
    • Your mechanics will improve as your build skill.
  • Online Golf Instruction:
    • Find a quality online instructor and dive into his or her approach.  There are many quality online instructors, find the best one to match your current swing, current ability and a swing philosophy you can understand.
    • Find someone to help you build a stock shot (consistent ball flight pattern).
  • Short Game:
    • Putting: Practice distance control and aim for more consistent putting.
    • Chipping and Pitching: Develop touch and control around the greens to get up and down more often.
    • Competition: Find someone to compete against or compete against yourself by tracking your progress.
  • Course Management:
    • Shot Selection: Choose the right club and shot type based on your skill level and the situation.
    • Course Strategy: Plan your shots to avoid hazards and position yourself for easier approaches.
  • Mental Game:
    • Focus and Concentration: Train your mind to stay in the present moment and focus on each shot.
    • Visualization: Visualize successful shots and scenarios to build confidence.
    • Mental Toughness: Develop resilience and the ability to bounce back from mistakes.
  • Fitness and Flexibility:
    • Strength Training: Improve overall body strength for more powerful swings.
    • Flexibility: Stretching and flexibility exercises can enhance your range of motion and reduce the risk of injury.
    • I have found my Peloton Spin Bike to be great at building leg strength and endurance!
  • Equipment:
    • Club Fitting: Ensure your clubs are properly fitted to your height, swing, and skill level.
    • Ball Selection: Experiment with different golf balls to find the one that suits your game best.
  • Practice Routine:
    • Structured Practice: Have a purpose for each practice session and work on specific skills.
    • Consistency: Regular practice is key to improvement. Even short, focused sessions can be beneficial.
    • Have you considered a home golf simulator?
  • Rules:
    • Know the Rules: Understanding the rules of golf can prevent penalties and improve decision-making.
    • Sometimes knowing the rules can also save you shots because they can be used to your advantage.
  • Lesson and Coaching:
    • Consider taking lessons from a qualified golf instructor who can identify and correct flaws in your swing.
    • Video analysis can be especially helpful in pinpointing areas that need improvement.
  • Course Knowledge:
    • Study the courses you play regularly. Knowing the layout and tricky spots can give you an edge.
    • Analytics has become a major part of the game.
    • Check out Decade Golf to take your game to the next level.
  • Performance Tracking:
    • Keep a golf journal to track your progress, note areas that need improvement, and set goals (use the 5 step process).
    • I would highly recommend the Arccos Sensors.  I have utilized the sensors since the beginning of the 2023 seasons and the data is beneficial.
  • On-Course Experience:
    • Play rounds regularly to gain experience and confidence in real-game situations.
    • The simulator can close the gap on access to courses or bad weather in the off season by allowing you to play a round of golf in 45 minutes or less.  The amount of repetitions and rounds is highly helpful.

How To Get Better At Golf: Youtube Resources

I would recommend the following 3 channels that helps viewers understand how to get better at golf:

Final Thoughts On How To Get Better At Golf

Golf improvement is obtainable and we are here to help.

If you want to email me your situation and receive some guidance on your next best step reach out to me at

I would highly recommend utilizing our 5 step process and our 5 fundamentals to reach new levels in your game. My biggest areas of improvement have been in swing speed (101 mph driver swing speed to 111 mph), and start line/shot pattern (stock shot). I now have increased my ability to hit the ball further with a more predictable ball flight. This leads to consistency and game improvement!

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