11 Tips to Improve Your Chipping in Golf

Tired of being around the green and hitting fat or thin shots?

Do you wish you could hit a chip solid and get rid of the nerves?

We hear you and we are here to help!

One of the fastest ways to lower your score is to get better at chipping.  Way too many golfers leak shots in their score due to poor strategy, technique and nerves.

In order to get good at chipping we need to control five things.  In the tips below, we wil highly which of these 5 items listed below that each tip address.:

  1. Low Point Control
  2. Distance Control
  3. Accuracy Control
  4. Strategy
  5. Mental Game

If we can help you get better at all five of these areas, you are well on your way to becoming an expert at chipping.

Some Data To Strive For:

  • PGA Tour average in scrambling = 59%
  • Average Scratch Golfer in scrambling = 54%

Golf is a game of precision and finesse, and one area that can make a significant difference to your overall score is your ability to chip the ball effectively.

Chipping is a crucial skill that allows you to get the ball close to the hole when you’re near the green but not quite on it. In this post, I will share 11 valuable tips that will help you improve your chipping and lower your scores.

The Importance of Chipping in Golf

Chipping is an essential aspect of the game of golf. It allows you to make up for any inaccuracies in your approach shots, helping you save strokes and maintain momentum on the course. A well-executed chip shot can turn a potential bogey into a par or even a birdie. It is a skill that separates the average golfers from the exceptional ones.

5 Common Chipping Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Decelerating through the ball (leads to poor contact).
  2. Too much wrist hinge (wrist hinge is used for power in the golf swing).
  3. An incorrect understanding of how to launch the ball in the air (too much scoping).
  4. Selecting the wrong golf club to use for the situation (poor strategy)
  5. Too nervous over the shot from previous failures.

Tip 1: Improve Your Low Point Control

Area of Focus: Low Point Control

So much of golf comes down to whether or not we are able to use the golf club as designed. 

The wedges are designed to interact with the ground at the low point.  The great news for those struggling with chipping is that the low point can even be an inch or two behind the ball if you are using the bounce on the club properly and not leading with the leading edge. 

Ideally, the low point will occur just after the strike of the golf ball, but many of the professionals on tour will even strike the ground 1-2 inches behind the ball.  This allows for a greater margin of error.  

The common mistake is trying to avoid the ground all together and blading the ball across the green.  Some golfers are so afraid of the ground, they will make some sort of compensation to try to “save” the shot.  Instead, get comfortable with striking the ground, similar to a match striking a match starting pad.

Without low point control in chipping, nothing else really matters. You stand the chance to lose your confidence and will lack distance control. Get your low point control under control!

My Experience: Recently Joey Mayo has been on social media sharing the approach that has helped Viktor Hoveland reach new levels with his chipping. So much of this is based on the low point control and the angle of attack now being used.

Tip 2: Proper Club Selection for Chipping

Area of Focus: Distance Control

There are two different thoughts on selecting the proper club. 

  • Option 1: Some golfers will use a certain wedge for every shot.  For example, they use their 60 degree lob wedge and add loft or take away loft through the setup.
  • Option 2: Some golfers will use a variety of clubs, anywhere from a 7 iron through a 60 degree lob wedge based on the amount of loft needed for the shot.

Selecting the right club for each chip shot is crucial. Generally, you’ll want to use a higher lofted club, such as a pitching wedge, sand wedge, or lob wedge to get the ball up quickly and land softly on the green. However, you should also consider the distance you need to cover and the type of lie you’re facing. Experiment with different clubs during practice sessions to get a feel for how they perform in various situations.

Pros of Option 1: You get comfortable with one club and learn to feel comfortable with this club.  It takes a variety of adjustments depending on the shot.

Pros of Option 2: You can use a similar swing for a higher percentage of the shots if you simply use a different club.

My Experience: I use my 60 degree wedge for a high percentage of my chip shots. Unless I am playing a simple bump and run with an 8 or 9 iron, I am going to select my lob wedge to get the job done. My comfort level with the 60 is great and I love how it interacts with the ground at my low point.

Best 60 Degree Lob Wedges

Tip 3: Mastering Distance Control in Chipping

Area of Focus: Distance Control and Accuracy Control

Distance control is a vital aspect of chipping. To improve your distance control, spend time practicing different length chip shots. We would recommend block practice at first (hitting 5-10 golf balls over and over again at the same target).

Use your practice sessions to develop a sense of how far the ball will roll with different clubs and swings. This will allow you to make more accurate judgments on the course and get the ball closer to the hole consistently.

Our goal is to develop a feel for how far the golf ball will fly with different length and speed of shots.  While practicing your distance control you will also be working on your accuracy control by aiming at a specific target and hole.

My Experience: After some block practice with chipping, I challenge my game by taking one golf ball and throwing it a random spot around the green in the rough. I then select one hole and chip the shot towards that hole. I go ahead and grab the putter to see if I can get up and down for par. I do this at least 9 times and track my percent of up and downs over the course of the season around the practice green.

Don’t forget to enjoy the awesome view and watch how your mindset changes to optimism.

Tip 4: Developing a Consistent Chipping Routine

Area of Focus: All 5 areas

Consistency is key in golf, and having a consistent chipping routine can help you achieve it. Develop a routine that includes a few practice swings to get a feel for the shot, aligning your body and clubface to the target, and visualizing the ball landing and rolling towards the hole. 

Stick to this routine for every chip shot, and you’ll find that it helps you stay focused and execute your shots with confidence.

The fault here is that many golfers will feel rushed or frustrated and make poor decisions during their lack of routine for club selection, practice swing and analyzing the lie their ball is in.

My Experience: If you watch the professionals, the only type of shots they take 3-5 swings on is the chip shots or putts. Go ahead and get used to the ground club interaction and build the confidence before you step into the shot. This is the major element also found in my routine.

Need More Distance: Check out this post!

Tip 5: Understanding Different Lies in Chipping

Area of Focus: Distance Control

When chipping, you’ll encounter various lies, such as tight lies, fluffy lies, and uphill or downhill lies. It’s essential to understand how these lies can affect the trajectory and roll of the ball. For example, when facing a tight lie, you may want to use a less lofted club and strike the ball slightly more firmly to avoid chunking it. Experiment with different lies during practice to develop a feel for how the ball reacts in each situation.

The goal is to develop the feel and technique to strike the ball solid and control your distances from each of these various lies.

Tip 6: Practicing Chipping Drills for Accuracy

Area of Focus: Accuracy Control

To improve your chipping accuracy, incorporate drills into your practice routine.

One effective drill is to place several balls around the green at different distances and try to chip them all into a small target area. This drill will help you develop your touch and feel around the greens. Additionally, practicing chipping from various lies and angles will simulate real-course situations and improve your ability to adapt to different scenarios.

Recommend Post: Try these practice games to improve your score – Top 30 Practice Games

Tip 7: Utilizing Visualization Techniques in Chipping

Area of Focus: Mental Game

Visualization is a powerful tool that can enhance your chipping performance. Before each chip shot, take a moment to visualize the desired outcome. Imagine the ball landing softly on the green and rolling towards the hole. This mental imagery will help you focus on the target and execute the shot with confidence. With practice, visualization can become a valuable asset in your chipping game.

This can help build confidence and get you to settle in over the chip shot.

Tip 8: Fine-tuning Your Chipping Technique Through Video Analysis

Area of Focus: All 5 areas

Video analysis is a fantastic tool for improving your chipping technique. 

Set up a camera to record your chipping motion from different angles. Review the footage to identify any flaws in your technique, such as excessive wrist movement or poor weight transfer. Once you’ve identified areas for improvement, work on correcting them through focused practice. Regular video analysis will help you refine your technique and become a more consistent chipper.

Or find an instructor to send your chipping motion to and ask for advice or a review of your motion.  There are many quality online instructors in the today’s game and even some that specialize in the short game.

Here is a must watch on the short game and chipping:

Tip 9: Mental Strategies for Chipping Under Pressure

Area of Focus: Mental Game

Chipping under pressure can be challenging, but with the right mental strategies, you can perform at your best when it matters most. 

Focus on your pre-shot routine and trust your practice. Remind yourself of successful chip shots you’ve executed in the past and draw confidence from those experiences. 

Stay in the present moment and avoid dwelling on potential outcomes. By adopting a positive and focused mindset, you’ll be better equipped to handle pressure situations and deliver successful chip shots.

Tip 10: Incorporating Creativity and Imagination into Your Chipping Game

Chipping is an area of the game where creativity and imagination can flourish. 

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different shots and techniques to solve challenging situations. For example, you can use a bump-and-run shot instead of a traditional chip when faced with a tight lie. Embrace your creativity and trust your instincts. By thinking outside the box, you’ll discover new ways to navigate around the greens and improve your chipping skills.

Often time junior golfers are great at the short game because they have very little fear of the outcome and a great imagination.  The next time you are practincing, embrace your youth of the past and work on being creative and trying some difficult shot.  This can help build confidence and feel.

My Experience: As a junior golfer we spent many hours hanging out at the practice green trying different shots and competing. This is a great way to get better with chipping. Have fun, be creative and compete with friends.

Tip 11: Seeking Professional Guidance and Instruction for Chipping Improvement

Finally, if you’re serious about improving your chipping, consider seeking professional guidance. 

A qualified golf instructor can assess your technique, identify areas for improvement, and provide personalized instruction and drills to help you reach your goals. 

They can also offer valuable insights and tips that you may not have considered. Investing in professional instruction can accelerate your progress and take your chipping game to the next level.

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Chipping is an essential skill that can greatly impact your golf game.

By following these 11 tips, you’ll develop a solid foundation and improve your chipping technique. Remember to practice regularly, stay patient, and embrace the process of improvement. With dedication and persistence, you’ll see a significant difference in your chipping ability, leading to lower scores and a more enjoyable golfing experience.

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