11 Tips on How to Get Better at Putting

Do you wish you were a better putter?

Did you know that with a little bit of quality practice, you can start to see results?

Putting is often considered the most crucial aspect of the game of golf. 

It’s the stroke that can make or break your round, and mastering it is essential for improving your overall score. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer looking to improve your putting skills, this post will provide you with 11 essential tips on how to get better at putting. By following these tips and practicing diligently, you’ll see a significant improvement in your putting game and lower your scores on the greens.

The importance of putting in golf

Many hearts have been broken on the 18th green due to a 3 putt or a missed 3-4 foot putt.

Putting is often referred to as the “game within the game” because it requires finesse, touch, and precision. It’s the stroke that completes each hole and is responsible for a significant portion of your overall score. 

Even professional golfers, known for their long drives and accurate iron shots, emphasize the importance of putting. A single putt can be the difference between victory and defeat, making it crucial to dedicate time and effort to improve this aspect of your game.

Common mistakes golfers make when putting

Before diving into the essential tips, it’s essential to address some of the common mistakes that golfers make when putting. 

One of the most prevalent errors is a lack of consistency in their stroke. Inconsistent tempo and rhythm can lead to misjudging the distance and direction of the putt. 

Another mistake is improper alignment and aim. Golfers often fail to line up their putts correctly, resulting in missed opportunities. Lastly, many golfers struggle with reading the greens effectively. Understanding the slope, grain, and speed of the greens is crucial for making successful putts.

4 Areas of Focus For Quality Putting

Everything that we do around putting, should be centered on getting better at one of these four areas:

  • Improving the start line of the putt
  • Improving the speed of the putt
  • Getting a better read of the putt
  • Controlling your nerves over a putt

Our 11 tips below will help you in at least one of these areas and sometimes in all 4 areas.  Dial in and take your game to the next level!

Tip #1: Develop a consistent pre-putt routine

Area of Focus: Impacts all 4 areas

Developing a consistent pre-putt routine is essential for building confidence and consistency in your putting stroke and ultimately giving you the confidence to hit a quality putt. 

Start by visualizing the line and the speed of the putt. Take a few practice strokes to get a feel for the distance and rhythm. 

Right before the putt,, focus your attention on the target and commit to making a confident stroke. By consistently following this routine before each putt, you’ll develop a sense of familiarity and improve your chances of sinking more putts.

Tip #2: Work on your alignment and aim

Are a Focus: Improving the start line of the putt

Proper alignment and aim are crucial for making accurate putts. 

Take the time to ensure that your putter face is square to the target line. Align your body parallel to the target line, with your feet, hips, and shoulders all pointing in the right direction. Use alignment aids, such as alignment sticks or a target on the ground, to assist you in achieving the correct alignment. By consistently aligning yourself correctly, you’ll have a much better chance of starting your putts on the intended line.

Quick Tip: Draw a line on your ball prior to play. On every green, make sure you mark the ball, clean the ball and then aim the line on the intended start line.

Tip #3: Find the right putter and posture for your putting style

Area of Focus: Helps with start line and speed control

There are many options for putters, postures and putting styles.  Find the one that best allows you to hit your start line, control your speed and make confident putt.

One option to is test out your different options. Go ahead and experiment with different grip styles, such as the traditional overlapping grip or the cross-handed grip, to find the one that feels most comfortable and natural for you. 

In terms of posture, maintain a relaxed and athletic position with your eyes directly over the ball. Avoid slouching or hunching over the ball, as this can negatively impact your stroke. Finding the right grip and posture that suits your putting style will help you achieve a smoother and more consistent stroke.

Helpful Resource: What length putter should I use?

Tip #4: Practice distance control and lag putting

Area of Focus: Improving the speed of the putt

Distance control is an essential skill in putting. 

By practicing lag putting, which focuses on controlling the speed and distance of long putts, you’ll improve your overall feel for the greens. Set up a practice drill where you aim to leave the ball within a specific distance of the hole without worrying about making the putt. 

This routine will help you develop a better sense of touch and prevent those dreaded three-putts.

Recommendation: Need more distance in your game, check out this post!

Tip #5: Read the greens effectively

Area of Focus: Getting a better read of the putt

Reading the greens is a skill that separates good putters from great ones. 

Take the time to analyze the slope, grain, and contours of the green before making your stroke. Pay attention to the speed and break of the putt, and factor in any external elements such as wind or moisture. By becoming proficient in reading greens, you’ll be able to make more accurate judgments and sink more putts.

The best way to improve at reading greens is to get many reps and really focus on getting the best read possible.  You can become a quality green reader with enough practice.

Helpful Resource: Looking for a new system to read greens, check out AimPoint Golf

Tip #6: Stay confident and focused on the putt

Area of Focus: Controlling your nerves

Confidence is crucial when it comes to putting. 

Believe in your abilities and trust your stroke. Avoid negative self-talk or doubt, as it can hinder your performance. Visualize successful putts and maintain a positive mindset throughout your round. Additionally, staying focused on the putt at hand and blocking out distractions will help you maintain consistency and make more putts.

Going back to your pre-shot routine in “big” putt situations, can help reduce the nerves or anxiety over the putt.

Quick Tip: Go through your routine, but find a way to relax over the putt.  Focus on your routine and then live with the outcome.

Need a resource to help the mental side of putting? Check out the recommended book below:

Tip #7: Learn from the professionals and study their techniques

Area of Focus: Impacts all 4 areas

Professional golfers have mastered the art of putting through years of practice and experience. Take the time to observe their techniques and learn from their expertise. Watch instructional videos, read books or articles, and study their putting strokes. While you may not be able to replicate their exact techniques, you can adapt certain aspects to improve your own putting game.

Tip #8: Utilize putting aids and technology to improve your skills

Area of Focus: Impacts all 4 areas

Putting aids and technology can be valuable tools in your quest to become a better putter. 

Alignment aids, putting mirrors, and training devices can provide instant feedback and help you identify any flaws in your stroke. 

Additionally, using technology such as launch monitors and putting analyzers can provide valuable data and insights into your putting performance, allowing you to make more informed adjustments.

Tip #9: Play more rounds and get comfortable with different putting situations

Area of Focus: Impacts all 4 areas

Practice makes perfect, and playing more rounds will expose you to various putting situations. 

Whether it’s different green speeds, slopes, or pin locations, the more you experience, the better equipped you’ll be to handle any challenge. Embrace the opportunity to putt under different conditions, and use each round as a learning experience to refine your skills.

One of the challenges I have had is adjusting to really fast greens after playing average speed greens. It can cause your putting stroke to become hesitant due to fear of going long.

Quick Tip: If you can’t play a round on a certain day, head to the practice green and create games that put pressure on the results.  This can include competing against a friend, seeing how many 2 putts you can make from 40 feet or testing your ability to mak 10 – 5 foot putts in a row.

Tip #10: Stay patient and keep practicing to see improvement

Area of Focus: Impacts all 4 areas

Becoming a better putter takes time and patience. Improvement may not come overnight, but with consistent practice and dedication, you’ll see progress. 

Don’t get discouraged by occasional setbacks or missed putts. 

Instead, use them as motivation to continue working on your game. Remember, even the best putters in the world miss putts. Stay committed to the process, and you’ll reap the rewards.

Tip #11: Collect data and analyze

Area of Focus: Impacts all 4 areas

Find a way to collect data on 1 putts, percent of putts made inside of 10 feet and 3 putt avoidance.  I would highly recommend the Arccos Smart Sensors to take your game to the next level in putting and other areas.  The data provided is top notch and can highlight areas of strengths and weaknesses.

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Conclusion: Putting it all together and becoming a better putter

Mastering the art of putting is a continuous journey that requires a combination of practice, technique, and mental fortitude. By following these ten essential tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a better putter. 

Remember to develop a consistent pre-putt routine, work on your alignment and aim, find the right grip and posture, practice distance control, read the greens effectively, stay confident and focused, learn from the professionals, utilize putting aids and technology, play more rounds, and most importantly, stay patient and keep practicing. 

Putting it all together, you’ll be able to navigate the greens with confidence and precision, and see a noticeable improvement in your overall golf game.

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