11 Proven Tips to Increase Your Clubhead Speed

Distance in golf matters…PERIOD

In order to reach your full potential you will want to increase your golf swing speed.

Keep in mind that the scratch golfers averages 251 yards off the tee with the driver.  As the driving distance decrease, the golf handicap level increases.

The slower your swing speed, the more likely you will have a high handicap.  The faster your swing speed, the more likely you can reach the scratch level of better at some point.

My own journey with speed started in 2018, when I had an average swing speed between 98-101mph on average.  During the 2023 season, I have now average between 108-111mph.  My average driving distance is 279 (Arccos Data) over my past 100 driver shots.

How did I get a 10mph jump in swing speed? Check out the 11 tips below that I would recommend and ones that worked for me! 

I tried to put them in order of importance!

Why clubhead speed is important in golf

In the game of golf, clubhead speed is a crucial factor that can greatly impact your overall performance. The ability to generate high clubhead speed allows you to hit the ball farther, giving you a significant advantage on the course.

Not only does increased clubhead speed result in longer shots, but it can also provide more control and accuracy. The increase in swing speed doesn’t have to mean a loss in accuracy (common myth is that we lose accuracy). When you combine distance with precision, you have the recipe for a successful golf game.

The PGA Tour is dominated by the golfers with the highest swing speed.  Colleges are now recruiting players that swing between 117-122mph on average.  The elite level of golf has speed as a major variable in level of success.

11 Tips To Increase Clubhead Speed

1. Train For Speed

I used the SuperSpeed Training Clubs to increase my swing speed.  

I trained pretty regularly for several months and started to see a jump in my clubhead speed.  During this time, I also hit plenty of shots in my golf simulator at max speed and tried to push the limits with every swing.  In order to swing fast, you must train fast.  

The SuperSpeed System is an overspeed system that has protocols in place to help you experience a 5-8% increase as early as the first training session.  The good news is that there are various products in the golf market that can help.  The key is to practice face and push the limits during your practice sessions.

Other options include The Stack System and Mach 3 Training Tools.  

All 3 can do wonders for your game! If you don’t want to spend they money, check out this option below.

2. Use The Right Shaft

Oftentimes a lighter shaft can mean greater swing speed.  

The key is to find the right combination of weight and stiffness in the golf shaft.  The best recommendation is to head to a local store that has a golf simulator that will allow you to test out your different options.  Keep an eye on your clubhead speed and the ball speed that it produces.

I believe there are many great drivers in the market.  The most important part of any driver is the shaft that is utilized.  Fortunately, the shaft is interchangeable and easy to change with today’s technology.

I currently use a 70gram, stiff shaft by Aldilia.

3. Decrease Your Spin Rate

Not directly connected to clubhead speed, but certainly important in total distance with the driver and probably the most overlooked element of overall distance. A high percentage of golfers will want a spin rate between 2000 and 2800 RPMs with their driver.  

Too many golfers have a spin rate in the 4000-5000 RPM range which just robs the golfer of distance.  If you slice the ball and hit the high balloon looking shot, you are spinning the ball at too high of a rate.  The furthest drives have an optimum spin rate.

The optimum spin rate will be a result of the proper angle of attack, the right shaft and a golf ball that fits your swing.

Recommendation: Consider a launch monitor that provides feedback on the spinrate. My Skytrak was helpful in bringing spinrate to the forefront and helping me realize how significant it plays on total distacen. A shot with a swing speed of 109mph with 2200 spin rate vs 4500 spin rate could see a difference of 20 yards in total distance.

4. Improve Your Swing Mechanics

The good news is that if you are speed training with a system like the SuperSpeed, The Stack System or Mach 3, these protocols often improve your swing mechanics.  Here are some adjustments that have helped me reach new levels.

  • Use the ground forces: I actually feel as if I am loading up and into my right side, while I extend my right leg.  This movement then allows me to connect with the ground in my first move on my downswing.  I reconnect with the ground and then fire and turn through the ball.
  • Use gravity: Your first move from the top should be a reconned with the ground while your arms settle or float down.  Too many golfers pull right from the top, which can cause early extension and dumping any and all speed before you even reach the golf ball.
  • Get Left: While this might not work for everyone, once I started feel like I was swinging left with the driver my distance and accuracy improved. I was too dumped under previously with an overdraw as my miss.

5. Increase Your Tempo

For years, we heard low and slow on the backswing.  We can go ahead and cross that thought and erase it out of our minds.  In order to increase clubhead speed, we have to move the club at a faster tempo throughout the swing.  

Tourtempo.com found the secret to tempo during a time of studying video of golf swings.  He found that the best swings have a 3:1 ratio (backswing to downswing).  Often times professional golfers will have a 21:7 (frames per second) in their backswing.  

Some amateurs have a swing as slow as 36:15.  You will never be able to produce clubhead speed with such a slow tempo!

Recommended Site: Tourtempo.com, I have used their frame counter and audio app to help measure my tempo and develop my tempo. It helps!

6. Have The Latest Technology

If you driver is 5-10 years old, you could be losing distance.  We want to maximize and take advantage of the technology in today’s game and the training that we complete.  

This summer I purchased the Callaway Paradym and experienced a 5 yard increase in distance with the new driver.  Not only did I hit it further, but I also improved my accuracy.  What an amazing driver.  

Find the right combination of a driver that is newer with the right shaft and the driver will become a major tool in your bag!

7. Get in Better Shape

You don’t have to break out the Rory McIlroy training and start squatting and doing olympic lifts.  Instead, doing simple workouts like walking, jogging or riding a spin bike can help you improve your overall shape, building some strength in your legs and get you going in the right direction.  

I use a Kettlebell and complete kettlebell swings on a regular basis to help build additional leg strength.  My spin bike has had plenty of use and my legs have become stronger and more athletic.

8. Swing Faster, Not Harder

This one can be tricky to understand.  When you see someone trying to launch one you will often notice that the swing seems more aggressive or harder.  Instead, the thought process can be faster, not harder.  This helps the muscles fire, but not by creating a bunch of tension in the golf swing.

9. Swing Up and Left

The Mach 3 training system promotes a swing that feels up and left. 

They don’t focus on mechanics, but instead provide the swing though of getting up and left through the swing.  Their Jetstick is part of the tools I use on a regular basis in my speed training.  I find this tool helps with the release of the club and feeling the speed in the right places.

10. Think Speed Out Front

The Jetstick mentioned above has helped me feel the speed out front.  Too many golfers dump the speed at the ball or just before, never maximizing their total distance and taking advantage of the speed they might have.  Speed in front of the ball and then get up and left. 

These mindsets and intentions can surprisingly add some speed to your golf swing.  Give it a try!

Recommendation: Check out Mach3

11. Be Athletic In Your Swing

Way too often we see golfers that look really stiff and mechanical over their golf swing.

One instructor I have learned a lot from is Shawn Clement.  He is natural and athletic in his movements and doesn’t look all stiff in his swing like many high handicappers.  Be athletic and make a more natural move in your journey to add speed and increase your clubhead speed.


1. Keep Your Head Behind The Ball

Go ahead and take a video of your swing from the side view and notice where your head starts and where it is at impact.  Has it moved forward? If so, you need to correct this and see the back of the ball when you hit.

2. Try Swinging Left

Check out Christo Garcia and his Miracle Swing.  When I use this though I often see a jump of 2-3 miles per hour.  I believe it allows the golfer to fully release everything in the shot vs staying back and trying to swing right, which can slow us down.

3. Compete and Measure

Find a friend to compete with on your swing speed journey and measure your progress along the way.  Golf is supposed to be fun, so make sure you are making it fun!

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