10 Reasons Why Golfers Don’t Get Better

Take your game to a new level – Check out the advice below!

Tired of not getting better?

Do you wish you had a formula or the secret to golf improvement?

We are here to help!  We have been on the journey for the past 30 years and in the past 5 years have experienced significant improvement!

As a golfer, there’s nothing more frustrating than putting in time and effort on the course without seeing any improvement in your game. 

You might find yourself wondering why you’re not getting better, despite your dedication and practice. 

In this post, I will explore the 10 most common reasons why golfers don’t get better and fail to improve. Of course we provide some quality insight from The Golf Mavericks and the experience we have had with finally getting better at golf!

In our foursome we have a scratch golfer (me), a mid to high handicap golfer (contributor), and a junior and senior golfer (contributors). 

By addressing these issues head-on, you can set yourself up for success and see real progress in your golf game.

10 Reasons Why Golfers Don’t Get Better: List

  1. Lack of a plan
  2. Lack of consistent practice
  3. Poor technique and lack of proper instruction
  4. Mental game and mindset
  5. Inadequate physical fitness and conditioning
  6. Poor equipment and technology
  7. Lack of goal-setting and tracking progress
  8. Fail to find the right balance between practice and play
  9. Hesitant to seek professional help and coaching
  10. Lack of time

Helpful Resources:

1) Lack of A Plan

Most golfers fail to actually create a plan.  One practice session they are working on their driver and the next they have changed to their short irons.  They fail to have a consistent plan for actual improvement.  So they will experience many ups and downs and ride the emotional roller coaster with their golf swing.

We believe quality plan for improvement in the game of golf consists of 5 key steps.

  • Identify the Problem
  • Identify a Possible Solution
  • Practice the new Approach or Technique
  • Take it to the Course
  • Assess the Outcome

In this previous post, we detail these 5 steps.

Make sure you think back to previous rounds or review data you might have tracked.  What is your biggest area of weakness and what solution can we put into place to finally get better in that area.  If you don’t know where to start, we recommend focusing on low point control, speed or short game.  They seem to have the biggest return on the time spent.

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: Check out the 5 Step Process Graphic below!

2) Lack of Consistent Practice

One of the most significant reasons why golfers fail to improve is the lack of consistent practice. This is connected to a lack of a plan.  It is an approach that is more like throwing darts in the dark, hoping to hit the target. 

It’s not enough to hit the course sporadically or only practice when you have spare time. 

To see real progress, you need to commit to a regular practice routine. This means dedicating specific days and times to work on your game, whether it’s at the driving range or on the putting green.

Additionally, it’s important to focus on quality over quantity.

 Simply hitting balls mindlessly won’t do much to improve your skills. This goes back to once again having a plan. Set specific goals for each practice session and work on specific aspects of your game. For example, you could focus on your short game one day and work on your long shots the next, but we recommend staying focused on 1-2 areas for every 2-3 weeks and then circling back around as needed. 

By practicing with purpose and consistency, you’ll start to see noticeable improvements in your golf game.

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: Not sure where to start, check out our 5 fundamentals and pick one of these 5 areas to improve in! Current area of work for our foursome in The Golf Mavericks – me (short game), mid/high handicapper (shot pattern), senior (speed training), junior (low point control0.

3) Poor Technique and Lack of Proper Instruction

Another reason why golfers struggle to get better is poor technique and a lack of proper instruction. Golf is a complex sport that requires a solid foundation of fundamental skills. Without proper technique, you’ll find yourself making the same mistakes over and over again, hindering your progress.

Seeking professional instruction from a qualified golf coach is essential for improving your technique. A skilled instructor can identify your weaknesses, provide personalized feedback, and guide you towards making the necessary adjustments. 

They can teach you the correct grip, stance, swing mechanics, and other key elements of the game. With proper instruction, you’ll have a solid foundation to build upon and improve your golf game.

If you struggle to find someone within 30 minutes of where you live, I have had a lot of success with online golf instructors.  They can often help you identify th major flaw in your swing that is holding your back.

The Golf Mavericks Experience: My personal experience involved a swing that was too long at the top of the backswing, which messed up my sequence.  I worked on a drill to correct this, used my smartphone to record my swing and hit plenty of golf balls to shorten my swing and improve my sequence.

Recommendation – Tired of positional based coaching? Check out Shawn Clement!

4) Mental Game and Mindset

While golf is a physical game, the mental aspect plays a significant role in a golfer’s performance. Many golfers struggle to improve because they neglect the mental game and fail to develop a positive mindset on the course.

Have you ever stood on the first tee and felt like you were in a different world.

Or do you sometimes play poorly the first 3-4 holes and give up on the round?

Every opportunity out there is a time to test and challenge your abilities both physically and mentally.  Be aware of your emotions and commit to 4-5 hours or truly trying to get better.

To improve your mental game, it’s important to work on strategies such as visualization, positive self-talk, and managing emotions. Visualizing successful shots before hitting them can help you build confidence and improve your focus. 

Maintaining a positive mindset and reframing negative thoughts can also have a profound impact on your performance. Additionally, learning to manage your emotions and stay calm under pressure will greatly enhance your ability to perform at your best.

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: Check out these resources below.  Yes, your golf game can improve through reading these books!  Highly rated!

5) Inadequate Physical Fitness and Conditioning

Golf may not be as physically demanding as some other sports, but it still requires a certain level of fitness and conditioning. Many golfers fail to improve because they neglect their physical well-being and don’t prioritize their fitness.

While there isn’t a direct correlation and no guarantee, the better physical fitness you are in and the more strength will often result in more speed.

More speed equal more distance.  More distance equals short approach shots.  Shorter approach shots equals a better proximity to the pin.  A shorter proximity to the pin equals more made putts. 

It all starts with physical fitness and additional speed.

Improving your physical fitness can have a direct impact on your golf game. 

By strengthening your core, improving flexibility, and increasing overall strength and endurance, you’ll be able to generate more power and have better control over your shots. Incorporating exercises such as core workouts, stretching routines, and cardio exercises into your fitness regimen will not only improve your performance but also reduce the risk of injury.

Recommendation: Need more distance in your game, check out this post!

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: Get involved with speed training.  Whether you use SuperSpeed Golf or The Stack System, training for speed can bring about some quick results to your game!

6) Equipment and Technology

The equipment you use can also have a significant impact on your golf game. 

Many golfers fail to improve because they’re using outdated or ill-fitted equipment. Having the right clubs, balls, and other gear tailored to your specific needs can make a world of difference in your performance.

Additionally, taking advantage of technology can help you identify areas for improvement. 

Tools such as launch monitors, swing analyzers, and GPS devices can provide valuable insights into your swing mechanics, clubhead speed, and course management. By leveraging these technological advancements, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance your game and make significant improvements.

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: We use a Skytrak, GPS devices, Arccos and a Rangefinder to improve on course performance and to analyze data on performance.  Getting fitted for clubs has also been beneficial, if nothing else, you have confidence you have the right clubs in your hands!

Resource: 1000 Rounds Later – Pros and Cons of the Skytrak

7) Lack of Goal-Setting and Tracking Progress

Without clear goals and a system to track your progress, it’s easy to get stuck in a rut and fail to improve. Setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals is crucial for growth in any endeavor, including golf.

We use the Arccos system to track Shots Gain Measured to various handicap levels.  The data provides shot gains data in the areas of driving, approach, short game and putting.  What valuable information to help us with the 5 step process explained above!

Identify areas of your game that need improvement and set goals to address them. For example, you might set a goal to lower your handicap by a certain number of strokes within a specific timeframe. 

Break down these goals into smaller milestones and track your progress along the way. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your goals will keep you motivated and focused on continuous improvement.

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: Data is vital in today’s game.  Understanding your strengths and weaknesses can set you up for game improvement.  It also provides the feedback outside of simply your score to know if you are making progress in specific areas and is similar to data that professionals get after PGA Tour events.

8) Finding the Right Balance Between Practice and Play

Many golfers fight the battle or practice vs play.  What is more important and what should you spend more time doing?

While practice is essential for improvement, it’s equally important to find the right balance between practice and play. 

Many golfers get caught up in constant practice, neglecting the joy of playing the game itself. Golf is meant to be enjoyed, and playing rounds on the course allows you to apply what you’ve learned in practice and experience the thrill of the game.

By finding the right balance between practice and play, you’ll keep the game enjoyable and maintain your passion for golf. Allocate dedicated time for both practice sessions and rounds on the course. This way, you’ll continue to work on your skills while still having fun and appreciating the beauty of the game.

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: We have found that our golf simulator setup that can be used 365 days a year is amazing for game improvement.  We can practice in an efficient manner with quality feedback and then play the equivalent to 18 holes in around 45 minutes.  I have now played over 1,200 rounds on my simulator since 2017.  A true game changer!

9) Seeking Professional Help and Coaching

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you may reach a plateau in your golf game. 

This is where seeking professional help and coaching can make a significant difference. A qualified golf instructor or coach can provide expert guidance, identify areas for improvement, and help you break through barriers.

Coaching can take many forms, from individual lessons to group clinics and even online programs. Find a coaching option that suits your needs and budget and commit to the process. A fresh perspective, tailored instruction, and personalized feedback can help you overcome obstacles and reach new heights in your golf game.

The Golf Mavericks Recommendation: We have learned a lot from Shawn Clement, Mike Malaska, George Gankas, and Milo Lines.  Each of these instructors have had an influence on helping me understand the swing and getting through certain scoring plateaus!

10) Lack of Time

We understand the demands of balancing family, life, work and golf.  Golf often takes a back seat for other priorities in life.  The game change for me has been the golf simulator setup in my house.  I have quick access to many of the world’s best golf courses, amazing data feedback and no restrictions or slow play to deal with. 

What a complete game changer and worth the investment!

How Long Does It Take To Get Good At Golf?

The outlier might be good at golf in 6 months, while others may never reach a quality level. The typical range will range between 6 months and 2-5 years.  There are many factors that come into play.

It generally takes at least 6 months to become a good golfer, but it can take up to 2 years to become adept.  Some people never get “good” at golf and are always considered a high handicap level golfer. Factors that affect how long it takes to become a good golfer include the quality of equipment, hand-eye coordination, strength, the quality of your coach, practice time, and strength in the mental game. It is recommended to invest in high-quality equipment, find a good instructor, and practice regularly. It is also important to not take the game too seriously.

My Experience: It took me 4 years to shoot break 80 on a consistent basis. It could have been quicker with the right coaching and access to a golf course and practice facility on a regular basis.

Can I Actually Get Better At Golf?

The majority of golfers can get better. The recommendation would be to focus on speed training, low point control in the golf swing, and short game mastery to see the quickest results in your golf journey. Of course, golf improvement is not linear and there will be ups and downs.  The key is to create a plan and stick with it!

Conclusion: Overcoming the Obstacles to Becoming a Better Golfer

Which reason above hits home the most for you?

Improving at golf is a journey that requires dedication, commitment, and a willingness to address the obstacles that may be holding you back. By consistently practicing, seeking proper instruction, developing a strong mental game, prioritizing physical fitness, using the right equipment and technology, setting goals, finding the right balance between practice and play, and seeking professional help when needed, you can overcome these obstacles and become a better golfer.

Remember, progress may not always be linear, and it’s important to stay patient and persistent. Embrace the process, enjoy the game, and celebrate even the smallest victories along the way. With the right mindset and a commitment to continuous improvement, you’ll be well on your way to improving your golf game and reaching your full potential.

Don’t forget to track some quality data and be patient, but work hard!

Are you ready to take your golf game to the next level? Don’t let these obstacles hold you back any longer. Start implementing these strategies today and unlock your true golfing potential!

Comment below on what is holding your back!

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